

What is the time limit for PCT national phase entry in Vietnam?
The time limit applicable for entering the national phase in Vietnam, irrespective under PCT Article 39(1) or PCT Article 22 is 31 months from the earliest priority (or the international filing date if the international application claimed no priority).
PCT application in Vietnam, late entry into national phase is allowed
Yes, in cases of force majeure events such as natural calamity or enemy-inflicted destruction
How much does it cost to file a patent application in Vietnam?
In Vietnam, total estimated cost for filing a patent application as well as a national stage application is calculated based on the following factors:
What are requirement for filing a PCT application in Vietnam?
An original Power of Attorney or a copy of a general power of attorney from the applicant is required
Is there any differences of charges between PCT route and other routes in Vietnam?
No. The same schedule of charges, including official’s fees and attorneys’ fees shall be applied to all kinds of patent applications.
It is possible to extend the deadline of filing a request for patent application in Vietnam?
Yes. The deadline can be extended until 48 months in cases of force majeure events such as natural calamity or enemy-inflicted destruction, or objective obstacles such as sickness
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Address: No. 11A Hong Ha Street, Ward 2, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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Email: ip@ipct.vn
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